Monday, November 12, 2007

News of Note

CNN is entering Second Life, to report on the news of import there and find out what matters to the residents.

"The thing we most hope to gain by having a CNN presence in Second Life is to learn about virtual worlds and understand what news is most interesting and valuable to their residents," said Susan Grant, executive vice president of CNN News Services.

When Second Life residents observe an in-world event they deem newsworthy, they can take snapshots, shoot video, or write a report about the event and submit to CNN.

You can read the rest of the article here.

I wonder if their news is going to be full of murders, robberies, and traffic reports like the news here is.

1 comment:

PhD KT said...

Did you know that Dwight Schrute has a second life in Second Life. Chew on that, Smith.