Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Media and Narrative

Looking back over the posts I've made in the last couple of months, I realized that I never linked to the my New Media and Narrative website I'm submitting as part of an ongoing process to legitimate myself as a Ph.D. scholar.

I created the site as a resource for people who are looking to begin investigation into the field of narratology (with a leaning towards new media)- here they can learn a wee bit about a smorgasbord of narrative concepts and see them in action as they apply to digital and electronic narratives. The print work I investigate here, "Roman Fever" is a classic short story by Edith Wharton (but don't read my analysis until you've read to the end of her text). The second short story I look into, "My Body: A Wunderkammer" is also a great piece to read if you are looking for a way to fill about an hour of free time or if you are interested in the role of bodies in narratives, and comes from the enormously talented Shelley Jackson. While the third piece, Afternoon, isn't a freely-accesbile work, I also highly recommend people who are interesting in postmodern or non-linear narratives to consider ponying up the $25 for the Eastgate work - it is a foundational piece in electronic literature and can open up some interesting theoretical doors for scholars. Plus, about 99% of people writing in the field will make more than a passing reference to Joyce's work, so it can be helpful to have some first-hand knowledge of it.

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